Monday, April 28, 2008

Frankfurter Von Festivus Lemmon 2005-2008

Our beautiful Dachshund passed away today. He will be missed. I am for once at a loss for words, but I couldn't let the day go by without posting a picture of him in honor of his good works here on Earth. We love you, Frank!


  1. i miss you frank!! im so sorry sabe! love you!

  2. are you kidding me???? wow...I would've done a personal photo shoot for him had I known :)

  3. Hmmm....I wish I was there...I am sure DQ could have made a "Sorry your dog just died" cake. No but for real I loved and will miss him. Love me later.

  4. I heard! I'm so sorry! Are your kids ok? May he rest in peace!

  5. Oh I am sorry, that is awful, people who don't have pets just don't understand, how didi he die, he was so young? Hope you are hangin in there ok. Our little Tippy that we've had since I was in high school passed away this year, it was awful, the kids really took it hard. Hope your kids are doing alright. Oh and I love his long name.

  6. Sabra, this is Gabby! I've been lurking on your blog a while and this post reminded me of seminary. I hope I'm in no way being disrespectful but I don't know if you remember that Ben Steinbiegle had written on his scriptures "Ben Jammin'on the Rocks" and "I love Sabra's Dog." Hope your family is doing well. Please say Hi to Katie for me.

  7. What kind of name is that for a dog? Only Sabra K Don J would think up something so extravagant!

    Sorry to hear that he died though. Dogs totally become part of the family. It's a hard thing to lose one!
