Monday, May 19, 2008
This kind of thing drives me nuts, and I was floored to see it on the front page of my New York Times! It's wrong on a couple (one political and the other English) different levels, but the main issue I have is the incorrect use of "women's." It should read "woman's." This makes me crazy, but I must admit part of me liked the mistake. It shows the type of people supporting Hillary! If you are going to make a sign and hold it at a rally, make sure it's correct in all ways! You are representing more than just yourself! These types of mistakes are all over Yuma. I cringe when I see the errors painted on store fronts or printed on landscaping advertisements I find shoved in my door! Come on people! Proof read! If you aren't great at these sorts of things have a friend look it over!
Amen Sista! Amen! You would think these people have spell check or something.
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny! I was just complaining to my sister about how many bloggers spell "coarse" instead of "course" - it drives me insane! This is where spell check doesn't work and you have to know ENGLISH! :)
ReplyDeleteAGREED!! I love what you said about the type of people behind Hillary!
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! When there was a billboard that read, "Your almost there," I had to stop driving by it!
ReplyDeleteI agree!!! Our local paper always has mistakes. I think next time I will circle the mistakes with a red pencil and mail it to the editor.
ReplyDeleteI vote for you! I'm so glad someone else sees things like this. I wonder if Jay Leno would use it on Headlines?? THAT would be huh-larious!
ReplyDeleteThat is funny, now I am worried as I comment on your blog because I am the queen of typos. Oh well, I am not showcasing it to the world on the front of a newspaper.