Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I know I'm showing my age, but does this kid look like a human x fraggle hybrid? He woke up this way! I swear it! Ask Bob! He took the picture! I had done a cradle cap treatment on him earlier, and this is what he woke up looking like!


  1. Very cute! I remember fraggles! Loved them! Fraggle rock!

  2. i friggin love this kid!! he is the cutest!

  3. Too cute! Thanks for the suggestions, Ben tried to do Missoula last time, but is too shy and WAY too quiet. Yes, and speaking of Desert Pointe, I'm in it and I've been instructed to beg Bobby to do it. Jan is desperate for men. Wait - that didn't come out right! Email me if you don't want to have this conversation on our comments! :) gatitensor@msn.com

  4. I love Fraggle Rock! I actually bought the DVD's to make my kids like them too, but it was a little too scary for them right now. But that's hilarious. I think I'm part Fraggle too!

  5. Fraggles definitely rock...and yes, he does look like a darn cute hybrid! I remember thinking that trash heap was the coolest thing.

  6. I opened your page and burst out laughing. That is a great picture and totally a fraggle!

  7. I love fraggle rock!!! Charlie and I used to make duzzle sticks with straws and crused ice.

  8. I can so relate. I wake up most mornings in this condition. He is much cuter than I am though! LOL

  9. Oh my goodness, that had to bring a smile to your face first thing in the morning.
