Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hand In Hand

Buddy started Hand In Hand's two day program today! This is his first day of preschool! I don't know who was more excited...Buddy or Me? Okay, it was me. This kid is just too smart and too energetic to be cooped up with his mother all day every day. He woke up ready to go. He didn't even want to change out of the clothes he slept in (won't wear pajamas). He just slipped on his Crocs and said, "Ready." Of course, I had to put him in some fresh lothes, brush his teeth, and attempt a hairstyle. He was okay with clothes and teeth, but he stopped me at the hair. I decided to choose my battles for this morning. As you can see from the photos he was off and running! Bobby took him to school, and he did great. He reached up to Bobby, and Bob was afraid the boy wanted to be held and wouldn't easily adapt. Bobby went down to pick him up, and Buddy said, "No Dad, hug and a kiss!" They hugged, kissed, and said goodbye. I picked him up, and he was happy to go home, but he's ready for school again tomorrow.


  1. I remember how scary and exciting school was- yay for Buddy!

  2. He is so handsome!Glad he is adjusting well to school. We should go to lunch or something sometime!

  3. Congrats on sending him to Hand in Hand. They will be in good hands there!

  4. I can't wait to send Grace to preschool! I think it will be very bittersweet for me, though. I may shed a tear or two, both for joy and sadness.
