Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk Or Treat!

This is the first year of many that I had Bobby's help with the kids at Trunk Or Treat. I was even extra lucky to have my sister, Katie, visiting. It was really a nice evening. Here are a few pictures, and I'm dying to put more up, so I might! We'll have to see.

Maverick wanted to wear his fireman costume from two years ago (still fits), and he stripped out of it within minutes of getting to the event. Not to mention he wouldn't wear the fireman's hat. He had to wear the muskateer hat Shannon brought over! Strider wouldn't have anything to do with dressing up. Like his mother! He was going to be a cowboy, but all I could get him to wear was the shirt, and that was even a chore.


  1. I am jealous that you and your daughters dressed as witches. That was my plan. My mom made a really cute Tu Tu for a witch costume. Maelee was going to wear it. But then she threw this fit that she had to buy a costume from the store like dad. So I thought "that's okay, because you can buy a really cute witch costume and Delana can wear the one Grandma made, and I will be a with too." We could all be little witches, which most of the time we are in this house anyways. Poor Scott. but maelee threw another fit last night buying costumes because she wanted to be Hannah Montana. I wouldn't let her.I was not going to pay $40 for her to dress in a plastic/polyester version of clothes like she already had a home. I am a terrible mother. We left the store with nothing. Me and Delana are going to be witches and Maelee is just out of luck. She will have to throw something together last minute.

  2. Everyone looks great...of course your boys would not cooperate...go figure right. It is stuff like this that makes me miss not being around sad. I am jealous you two are reading that book...the author is a professor from CMU right? Well when you are done I think I might like to read it. The Gargoyle is coming along slowly...dang school work gets in the way. I wish I could just read for funzies all day every day...wouldn't that be the life!?!

  3. Strider looks a little like Linus with the blue blanket in his hands.:)
    I wouldnt have recognized Bobby even if I had seen him. Wow- that is one freaky looking halloween costume!
    And you and your girls look so cute as witches. I love it!

  4. Is Maverick wearing the cowboy hat? You guys look awesome! Love it!

  5. I loved the witches stockings on your little girls! Bobby's costume was pretty amazing! How fun to have your sister here with you!

    Happy Halloween!

  6. I didn't see you there last night, I did see Booby, he looks really freaky, but that is good since it is Halloween and all. You will have to tell him that Jan brought old sensation albums to church on SUnday and had me take them with me to look at, there are some pricelss picts of your man in there you guys will have to check them out!

  7. Love Bobby's costume (I didn't see him there, but I heard people talking about his costume), the girls look cute too! Why is it our kids never do WHAT we want them to, WHEN we want them to do it????

  8. Booby looks so scary! Love the cross. And Maverick's face is so funny!

  9. Those are some cute witches! Love the fireman and cowboy too! I have pirates, a witch and a bumble bee on mine! Have a great day!

  10. You guys all look so great I hope you had a very happy halloween!

  11. I love your blog and you have a beautiful family. Happy Late Halloween. How are you? Oh shoot, i just remembered I got tagged weeks ago and haven't done it yet. Good thing I checked out your blog again. jk...take care. sonia
