Friday, November 21, 2008

Now That Was A Good Time!

What a wonderful night! Words can't express my gratitude to the Vining family and my pal Shannon! We did it! Yeah! It's over. Now what?


  1. THANK YOU!!! We had a lot of fun! Nothing like a good party to go with a good book and a good movie! Tell the Vinings and Shannon thanks too!

  2. YOu sure know how to throw one heck-of-a party Sabra! Thanks for making it such a fun night!

  3. We had a GREAT time! Thanks to you and Shannon for a job well done!!!

  4. It is 11 am and I am now rolling out of bed. What a fun night. We had a great time and loved the party and raffles. Thank you to Shannon and Devra and you Sabe, for including us. I think I should probably get a prize for sleeping in the latest, what do you think?

  5. Thanks to you (and Shannon) for all the hard work. It was a fun party and a very good movie.

  6. Lots of fun! DId you get to enjoy it, or was it more of a stress just being in charge of everything? We sure had a great time!

  7. let's do it again! that's what. :)you guys did a great job with everything! hope you were able to have some fun too! you sure deserved it. thanks for the sweet comments on blog.

  8. How was the movie? I heard great things about your party! I wish I could of been there! Or I guess, any where! Ha! That is so cool that you and Shannon did that!

  9. You girls did great!

    It's funny you should end with, "Now what?" Don't you already have lots lined up to do? I guess it will be hard to top the Twilight party....

  10. Now, we just wait until the next one comes out. They have agreed to go ahead with the next book.
    You all did a wonderful job planning and putting that together. Thank you doesn't seem like enough! My favorite part was when Dr. Vining got up and left the theater the second the movie was over - he was done! :)
