Friday, December 5, 2008

Middle Names!

I can't sleep, and since I have absolutley nothing of importance to do (sarcasm) my mind drifted off to the topic of middle names. I was wondering how it would sound if all of my kids' middle names were actually their first names. Make sense? For instance, Mallory would be Paige. Strider would be Zane! Then I moved on to thinking about my middle name(s). I've had a few over the years, and now I've simplified it to the letter "K." Long story for another post. I thought I would try out a survey to see where we all stand on middle names. Try it out! It's a Lemmondrop first!


  1. I screwed my child's life up by deciding to call her by her middle is a family name Audrey Mae and the original grandma always went by Mae because she hated the name Audrey. Personally, I love the name Audrey, but we stuck with the Mae, added the Lee on to suffice another family member so we ended up with Maelee. It is always a big headache at the beginning of the school year and is confusing to the poor child. At the dr's office they always call her Audrey. Since she was young we would make a game of it and tell her it was her code name. We would tell her to listen for the nurse to call her code name. We continue to call her Maelee because Audrey does not fit her personality. Maelee fits her spunky unique personality. Maybe we should have called her Audrey and maybe she would be more mild mannered, it sounds like a more mild mannered name....instead we have MAELEE!!! middle names? Why do we have them? My nephew is 18 and goes by his middle name. He is named after his father so to tell them apart my sister decided to call him by his middle name. Around age 9 he decided to go by his first name. It confuses the whole family! The world knows him as Mark but the family calls him Andrew. When his friends are around and hear us call him Andrew they are so confused. And one time I went and stayed with the kids while my sister and her husband were out of town. The entire week when someone would call him and I would answer the phone I would tell them that Mark was not home and that he was out of town. I forgot that his friends called him Mark. My sister teaches his seminary class and she said it is the hardest thing in the world to stop herself from calling him Andrew. I like your children's middle names. they are very cute. but you made the right choice by sticking to their first names

  2. Aww yes...middle names. I would say growing up I HATED it...its a boys name. But after I went back east to see dad's side of the family and got to know a little more about the ladies I got my names from it started to have great meaning and I love it now! I feel honored to have her name...and have contemplated using it when I have children (the middle name).

  3. I always figured it was good to give a child a middle name, because then the child has more options.

    Also, as a parent, you have that middle name to add in when you want them to know you are serious!

  4. yes, my parents punished me too, by calling me by my middle name. in the 2nd grade i pitched a mutiny and tried to get everybody converted into calling me by my first name. it lasted about a week, before i finally conceded.

  5. I don't have one...a middle name. Growing up I always wanted one, but when I had kids, I thought about all my friends and family members who did have one and how it was really never, ever used. So I decided to leave out middle names and save those names to use as a first name for any other children we might have. Make sense?

  6. Sabra K. Don J., Oh the memories! You are a crack up! There are so many reasons why I like you and Sabra K. Don J. is one of them!

    Middle names, I think that people should have middle names with meaning. Like be names after someone. Someone that your parents love and respect. I am named after my grandmother and it's a very grandma like name but I love it! I love it because I love my grandma. I have given all of my children middle names after people. Except for my last little boy. I gave him my maiden name as a middle name. I'm still not so sure if I made the right choice.

  7. I've always loved my name... Yea yea, there are a million Jennifer's out there, but never in my life do I think I'll meet another Jennifer Diane Louise Morris. I'm named after Diane Umphress, who everyone in Yuma knows... And i'm proud to share her name! I'm also named after my Grandma Louise Morris. Both are very amazing women, who I hope to emulate in my life. Having their name is like a small dose of each of them being instilled inside of who I am. Ever since I was little i've said I would keep all four of my names, and add my husbands name to the end..... I just couldn't bare to give one up :)

  8. My parents never gave us girls middle names so that we could use our maiden names as middle when we married. I LOVE it! Plus my name was hard enough for people to pronounce I didn't need another name to mess with!

  9. I am really intrigued as to what the K stands for now. I like middle names, and always get into frustrated fits when Daniel wont agree on the one i want for our kids. Granted most people dont know them, so I wanted them to be weird- like Kylie i wanted to be Kylie Sunshine Jackson- but Daniel wouldnt agree. Kylie will probably thank him someday when she hears that story.

  10. I hate both my first and middle names,i cringe when I hear them.I am so glad I was renamed as a kid!

  11. tradition goes back several generations on my mom's side to not give girls a middle name. Grandma is Glenna Christensen Hancock. Mom is Linda Hancock Cook. I am Jill Cook Gwynn. So far Emma is just Emma Gwynn. She has a small complex about it but hopefully she'll outgrow it. I think Gwynn will be a fine middle name someday. For now she tells everyone her middle name is Kate. :)
