Monday, December 22, 2008

Rock The Vote!

I have been selected as a finalist in the tree decorating contest on Tip Junkie! I need your vote to make me a winner. There were just about fifty contestants, so it's nice to be named a finalist. Go vote, please!

Just click on the little Tip Junkie widget next to this post to get there! See, I make it easy for you even! Vote every day if you can!


  1. Hi Sabra!
    I'm a fan of "Tip Junkie"
    I already voted for you!
    I was excited to see your tree on there!

  2. no idea what tip junkie is OR how to get there????
    BUT I have heard about your tree decorating expertise...
    I'm now off to try to FIND tip junkie...

  3. Congrats! What do you get if you win?

  4. Whew, so glad I get to Rock the Vote for the important issues! "Sabra for President" - oh, wait, wrong vote?!

  5. Hey there!!! I just saw your guestbook entry on my website Thank you so much for visiting!!!!

  6. Yay from the looks of the numbers you have so won this thing. Am I right? I have been voting for ya! What do you win?
