Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Supper!

Many years ago, we had neighbors who were raising their daughters in a very refined and cultured manner. The parents always seemed disgusted with my relaxed, liberal ways. Their oldest daughter was five at the time, and she asked me, "Miss Sabra, we will be having leg of lamb for Easter supper. What will you be serving?" I laughed out loud (in my normal, offensive way). I told her I hadn't even thought about it. That's just how I roll.

Here are some "Easter supper" pictures Lemmon style. We served ham and turkey on paper plates (coordinating paper, of course) off of a folding table in the backyard. We didn't even make the kids wash their hands before "supper." Living on the edge, I tell you. It was awesome! We laughed and played until well after dark. Good times were had by all!


  1. How fun! Would you believe it if I told you Scott made me filet mignon for Easter supper? I wouldn't either except that it was oh so yummy!

  2. You *have* to be referring to the Nerads! Am I right?

  3. You're my kind o people Sabe.

  4. I feel so old looking at kay and syd. I remember them being born!

  5. You know they'll be back this summer... maybe you could supply them with some mint jelly for their "leg of lamb." Too funny! I love it "Lemmon Style!"

  6. Hi Sabra!

    I love your Easter festivities! I look forward to the day when I have lots of grandkids in my back yard for a Easter Egg hunt! Your kids are growing up! Brett wasn't sure if he should join in on the Easter Egg hunt also, but it didn't take long! Life is moving fast, I wished it would slow down, just a little!
    I'm with you on the "Lemmon style"!
    We live on the edge at my house!

  7. That's my kind of dinner! My in-laws refer to eating on paper plates as using their "fine china".
