Friday, April 3, 2009

Los Luchadores!

My boys are obsessed with Nacho Libre! You probably rolled your eyes the second your eyes saw the words Nacho and Libre. I hated the movie in the theatre, but the more times I watch it the more times I laugh. This movie has some super, fantastic lines and monologues. Anyways. Bob took Buddy to watch the Lucha Libre (free wrestling) last night. Bobby said Buddy was fascinated with it all and just took as much of it in as he could. He came home with a mask for himself and one for his brody. Before the masks, my boys would yell, "SHIRTS!" and go at it. They would just rip off their shirts and wrestle their hearts out. Now, they are more official with the masks. Tiny isn't a huge fan of his mask, but Buddy fell asleep in his and is still wearing it this morning. I've been calling him "Chito" for his wrestling name. It's a mix between Nacho, Nachito, and Cheeto. Like it? Tiny is "El Chino" for obvious reasons (the mask). Note to Uncle Jason: He informed me that he can't brush his teeth because he's wearing his mask.


  1. ok i love nacho libre! that movie makes me laugh a lot!!

  2. I'm also a huge Nacho Libre fan. I can't even think about it without chuckling a little. Your boys are so fun.

  3. It’s so funny how obsessed they are with that movie! Practically every time I walk in…it’s on. It is hilarious how seriously Buddy is taking his mask! It's all fun until they start wanting to wrestle with me! LOL! : ) Love them!

  4. I can't say I'm a huge fan of Nacho Libre, but I do love a good nick-name. I can just hear you and Bob walking around calling your boy's Chito and El-Chino, I think it's great!

  5. there was an el chino in the movie...

  6. Hilarious! I love those kids. I have been showing everyone at work their masks. They are a huge hit.

  7. Those masks are seriously way cool! I can totally see Buddy going around acting like a little Chito. ;)

  8. Hilarious! I will have to watch it to really understand this for sure. Have a good one!

  9. I love Nacho Libre sense of humor, but I must admit, I think I fell asleep during that movie. (I must have been pregnant or something, had to be.) So know you make me want to rent the movie and watch it all over again.

    Just as soon as I catch up on LOST! And read the Twilight Series... too many TO Do's!

    I love your boys!

  10. OK that is hillarious that they have wrestling matches and I love that he fell asleep in his mask!

  11. Yep, little girls are fun, are you guys planning on anymore, or is your little man the caboose? I can't wait to have more, I keep telling myself just 2 more years, just two more years, there is no way I could work full time, do school full time and have a baby, I would be so unhappy, when I have babies, I like to just be home and go with the flow of things, so as soon as I am done with school, I hope I am able to have at least two more little munchkins. Happy Easter!

  12. What is it about this movie!? Chad dies laughing every time he hears a line from it! I love the names that you made up! OH and I would totally pay a ton of money to hear you motivationally speak to me!! I really think you would be GREAT! (How is the school work coming??)
