Thursday, September 3, 2009

Take It Back!

I wish I could take so many things I've said back. I've said silly things, dumb things, hurtful things, and possibly shameful things. What's crazy is at the time you say it you think it's okay. Then you reflect on it later and wish you could take it back. Sometimes I even weigh what I want to say heavily before I say it, and I still regret it. Sometimes, I even feel like I HAVE to say something, I do, and I hate myself for saying it. I will ask myself, "What good came out of what you just said?" Well, I know all of us have come to Earth with one or two shortcomings. I know I have many, but this is the one on my mind tonight. Words are so precious. I tell my students this all of the time. We must not take them forgranted. We must not waste them. I must heed my own advice. I would hope that among my friends, my kind words have outnumbered my nasty words.

Sidenote: Don't mix this up with gossip. I am not a gossip. I am gifted in the area of secret keeping. If I have said something dumb or out of place to you, you may rest assured it went no farther than between us.


  1. This is just what I needed to hear. I have the same problem. you have never said anything hurtful or offensive to me. you have always been nothing but kind. I have said some words to a friend recently that I wish I could take back.

  2. Sabra, I have felt those same feelings way too often so I know where you are coming from. Where, I sit though, you are just fine and someone whom I believe to have great integrity. But I completely understand the intense need to get things off your chest.

  3. Sabra,
    That was sweet to read. Makes me want to be a better person and think more how I effect people, especially the ones I love the most


  4. Sometimes it isn't what we say that's what we DON'T say. Both of which I have been guilty of in my life...No one is perfect. To recongize your weaknesses and make them become your strengths is what's valuable...
