Friday, August 27, 2010

Fourth and Final!

Tiny started preschool this Thursday. He will be attending twice a week this year. If I were not working this could have possibly been my best day ever, but alas...I dropped my boys off and went to work. The thought of having an empty house for a few hours twice a week WAS very exciting at one time.

Nevertheless, Tiny had a great first and second day. He didn't have much to say about it, but he had no idea this morning that he had to go again. He thought/hoped it was a one time only type deal. "Oh! I go again?!"


  1. Does he have an IPHONE?!?! and how did your kids get so old?

  2. Is that your Blackberry in his hand? So cute! He looks like a little grown up!

  3. awww- look at your little tiny all big and going to preschool! Cute, cute!
