Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 5th, Yet Again...

This was my seventh September 5th. Strange. Each year the date comes and it goes, but it's different this year. As it was approaching I grew very anxious. It's a date I dread. The date forces me to remember. Most September 5th's I keep myself busy, but on this particular one I was sick in bed (had been for a week). I had plenty of time to think. I hate that most...TIME! On July 24th and September 5th, I indulge myself (if I'm so inclined) to feel sorry for myself for a minute, hour, or day.

I have a dear friend. We have only known each other a short while, but she is already in the "dear" category. Nuts how that happens. She lost her son last in August to cystic fibrosis. My heart has been aching for her, and this has put my always quiet, "sorry for myself" moment on the back burner.

I remember an old friend telling me seven years ago that at first I would survive this tragedy just second by second. Then minute by minute. Then hour by hour, and one day I would turn around and an entire day would have gone by without tears, meltdowns, aches, or pains. I didn't believe her at the time, but now I know this to be true.

I thought of my dear friend on September 5th and knew she was surviving minute by minute. I love you, dear friend. You are on my mind. I walked in to the school today and music was playing. A smile spread across my face for so many reasons.


  1. Thank you for your courage to share your heartaches. I am sad for your sadness. Your friend is lucky to have someone who can understand and be there for her.

  2. SO Bobbys testimony got me all choked up on Sunday. You guys are just really amazing people.

  3. Just what Lisa said. I think sometimes we go through things to be able to help others out who go through the same thing in their lives. I have a testimony of that for myself with a demon that happened in my past a few years ago. Just wanted to tell you I think of you VERY often and your strength and quiet courage that everyday people might not know about. You give me strength even when you don't know it. Love you!
