Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am not much for routine. Some people live by structure and routine. I can't stand being tied to a schedule. It drives me nuts. When I feel tied down and held back by the calendar or the clock, I get restless and irritable.

As my children are growing older, I am wondering what long term damage I am doing.

Pictured here are my boys. This is not an abnormal scene in my house. In fact, I think it's cute and funny for the most part, but I can think of at least one hundred mothers and grandmothers reading this post and gasping for air or shaking their heads in disapproval.

To this I say...

My way isn't the way for everyone. It works for me for now. I do what I can, and I prioritize quite well. I get the job done. Sometimes I do it really great and sometimes I just get by. To each his own.

But most importantly, I say...

I was once a young woman who gasped for air and shook my head at many things I witnessed parents/children doing and look at me now! Learn from my mistakes. Don't judge other people's parenting styles and choices. It will come back to bite you.


  1. Now who would shake their head at the miracle of BOTH your boys asleep at the Same Time! I think it is wonderful and I hope you got some down time reading or taking a nap yourself. :)

  2. I won't gasp and shake my head at you, Sabra. I am a super believer in routine, but that's because if I didn't have one I would have slit my armpit LONG ago! It's not about my children, it's about my sanity! I think you are Superwoman!

  3. I am impressed they will go to sleep on their own, when they are tired, without having to be rocked or held or whatever...teach me how to do that!

  4. Ha,ha,ha! I totally agree with Sarah's comment. Plus, you are awesome!

  5. no judging happening here...must say that picture is a keeper!

  6. I'm a firm believer that if you utter the words "my kids won't do that,". Or "I'd never do that," it will ABSOLUTELY happen to you. I am also a firm believer that you should do what works for your family. I HATE being tied down to things that other people decide for me. You're awesome and you're family is awesome!

  7. nap or bedtime? lol drake puts himself to nap all the time!

  8. AMEN! And to think I get a second chance at raising kids...and I am doing it somewhat the same way...:) go figure...

  9. I think that is so cute! I love your blog! You are so funny! :)

  10. Makes me think of the time Bobby fell asleep on the sidewalk outside of Disneyland. Now I think of the millions of germs lying with him but then, I just laughed and took a picture. also reminds me of the time Jason fell asleep in the entry and my friend thought he was dead cuz he slept with his eyes half open. Your boys are Lemmon children for sure!!!! How I love all of those Lemmon boys, grown and little!!!! Never under estimate your worth as a mother Sabra.

  11. I think when kids have lots of structure and routine, they aren't equipped to adjust to the unplanned things that are sure to happen in life. That is just one mom's opinion. I don't know how it measures up against one hundred mothers and grandmothers ;)

    I LOVE the picture....
