Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kids Say The Darndest Things!

I generally don't quote my kids because it's never as cute or funny as it was in person, but this one was too good to pass up.

The other night I was in bed with *Maverick, and Bobby was still up but getting ready for bed. I don't remember the specifics of the conversation Bobby and I were having, but I said something about getting new boobs, and Maverick piped in with this reaction, "Mom, did you lost your boobs?"

*Yes, Maverick is almost four and still sleeps in our bed.


  1. Andrew is 5 and still wedges himself between us in the middle of the night! Love the boobies comment. They are so literal. Frankly, I would love to "lost" mine too!

  2. Lost boobies would be a good thing for me, or at least a large portion of them. Someday Maverick won't want to sleep in the same bed as you and you'll miss your snuggles so no worries.

  3. That is so funny! I love how blunt little kids are. He's so smart though! Connecting getting something new to something being lost. What a thinker. :)

  4. Thanks for the laugh! Hey do you totally hate me? I am so so so sorry about Sunday!

  5. Let's get new boobs together! Let me know when you're goin in and I'll get mine then, too. I lost mine a long time ago, like, they never actually existed.
