Thursday, December 11, 2008

O Christmas Tree Contest!

My favorite part about Christmas traditions would have to be the tree. I love to decorate my tree. I collect things year round to add to the collection, so it's something I anticipate all year long. My girls have their own trees in their room this year because they were tired of being denied putting their own custom made ornaments on my tree. I know. I'm a terrible mother! I just like to have this one thing the way I like it. Well, not everything on the tree is the way I like it...The bird at the top lost its beak. Irritating. I'm famous for saying, "I can't have anything nice." It's true. These aren't very great pictures, but I'll post them anyway.

I had already created this post when I discovered is having a Christmas tree contest. People are always telling me my tree looks like a "show" tree. I saw this opportunity, and I figured it would be fun.

I am to include photos and decorating tips. So here are a few tips:

1. Choose a flexible theme for your tree. Choose colors you can add to easily. Start with two or three base colors and go from there. I started with white and added purple and green through the years. This year I added a little teal to make it current!
2. No one wants to see the fake trunk of your fake tree (the pole). I suggest wrapping it in fabric that matches the theme of your tree.
3. Splurge on a tree skirt! Consider making one that matches beautifully. I could never find just the right one, so I took sewing lessons just to make this particular skirt.
4. Stuff decorations inside your tree. Don't just stick to the outside of the tree. Put ornaments inside as far as the eye can see. Don't feel like you have to use ornaments either. I use twigs and berries and all sorts of things. Stuff those in there, too. Again, no one wants to see your pole!
5. This year I bought yardage of fabric and cut it into squares. I then bunched it up and tucked it in to bald spots near the pole of my tree. Adds a little something different.
6. For the topper go nuts! Just try it. You might like it. Treat it similar to a floral arrangement. You'd be shocked at what works. And remember...It only matters if you like it!
7. This year I put my tree in front of a huge mirror. This way people can see all angles of it. I would love to put it smack dab in the middle of a room, but that will have to happen when my kids are a little older!

I hope you enjoyed my little tutorial. I'm no expert. I just love to decorate, and I believe the tree is the focal point of Christmas decorating!


  1. I don't blame you...I will probably lose the "mother of the year award" because I don't want all the home made ones on my tree either. I like a theme and to have everything match...our poor kids!

  2. Nice post.! I put up our Christmas tree tonight.

  3. I just linked to this post this morning, when I wrote about my traditional tree.

    I love your beautiful tree. I also think you are a great mom, letting your girls have their own trees and all...:)

  4. Hey girl, well done but I already told you that I guess. I am trying to enter mine but my pictures are not so good. I should have made them bigger. Now I have to figure out how to put it in the contest.

  5. Its a beautiful tree! Decorating the tree is one of my favorite things to do this time of year!

  6. I LOVE the colors!!!

    You did a great job - so imaginative!!

    Merry Christmas!!

  7. Great color scheme. And I really like your topper.

  8. I love the colors scheme on your and colorful. Good Job! mine is a little boring and I didn't decorate the side against the wall so I really don't want to use the mirror trick.

  9. hey hey- we have the same c-mas addiction, the tree. and it's funny cuz i re-do the color sceme every other year and last year mine was in those colors too!

  10. What a great post! I am the WORST tree decorator and I seriously need the help!! Thanks!!

  11. okay...this did not make the google reader...I found tip junkie :)

  12. I love your tree! It is gorgeous. I must tell you though, I am new to your blog and love it! Your banner is ABSOLUTELY amazing. Best yet!

    at halo hill

  13. Very pretty color combo. And I love the glitter!
