Friday, May 29, 2009
Potty Update!
As usual the pee pee in the potty has gone off without a hitch. The poop is another story. We are just finishing up day four, and Tiny has only had about one pee pee accident a day. He especially loves to go outside like his brother. I remember Buddy taking about a month to really get the number two issue down. I will remain patient, but I have to say it is officially "The End" of diapers in the Bobby Lemmon home. I will donate my brand new case of size four Huggies to The Treehouse!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Potty Training Day One!
I took this picture with my cell phone. My backup camera is MIA, and my newer camera is broken. I feel lost. This is the best I could do.
I bought a new box of diapers and declared it to be the last. Of course, three days later Tiny decides it's time to go pee pee in the potty. This is day one, and it's going well. He has only had one pee accident. We have had two number two issues though, so he was out of undies for this picture.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Firefly Lane!
I haven't done much reading since I started up grad school a year ago, but I had a week off two weeks ago, so I started this book I bought months ago called Firefly Lane. Both Chalyce and Patty recommended it. I enjoyed the book, and I'm glad I read it, but I won't be putting it on my top ten list of favorites. First off, it's almost 500 pages. That's quite a commitment for me at this time, so it had better be good. Second, I found it extremely predictable, but what I will say is that the end was priceless. I can't say too much, but the author does an amazing job at sharing with the reader what exactly the main characters are going through at the end. Let's just say I cried like a little baby at gymnastics today when I finished the book. It wasn't a book I had to devour in one day. I was able to put it down and come back to it several times, but it was worth finishing.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Is "heartful" a word? I don't think so, but it should be. Tonight we just hung out in the backyard. Bob and I watched our kids play in the playhouse, jump on the tramp, and torture the puppy. This evening will certainly go down in my personal history as a favorite. Sometimes it's just nuts to think these kids are here, and I am their mother. As Mother's Day approaches and Daughter's Day (a holiday created for me and by me) just passed, maybe I am more sensitive to these special moments. Knowing the pains of losing a child has made me so much more appreciative of what I do have, and I am keenly aware of how fragile (so cliche sounding) and short life can be. These small and spontaneous moments are to be treasured.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Baby Blessing!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Temple Trip!
I have been waiting for a better picture to surface from this trip, but this is all I think I'm going to get, so I better blog it before I forget it.
Our neighbors are Carol and Alonso. They are wonderful friends to our little family. They invited us on their ten year anniversary trip, and we jumped at the chance. We went to the temple Friday night and did some work for family members and a ton of non-family, as well. Seeing Alonso do work for his father was a very moving experience, and one I will never forget. Saturday we slept in, ate, and shopped. Three of my favorite things! If we would have had one more day I could have fit in reading, and that would have been pure perfection.
Thank you for the invite, Vecinos!