Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Potty Training Day One!

I took this picture with my cell phone. My backup camera is MIA, and my newer camera is broken. I feel lost. This is the best I could do.

I bought a new box of diapers and declared it to be the last. Of course, three days later Tiny decides it's time to go pee pee in the potty. This is day one, and it's going well. He has only had one pee accident. We have had two number two issues though, so he was out of undies for this picture.


  1. I think our kids like messing with our heads. I did the same thing. Bought my "last box of diapers" and before I even got them opened Lauren decided it was time to use the potty! I guess we shouldn't complain right? Good luck... hope all goes well!

  2. That is too funny! I am not really excited to start that potty training...but I am sure that after this baby comes...I will not want 2 kids in diapers!

  3. Can I send James over so you can train him too? ;)

  4. Love it! I'm getting ready to train Sam and NOT looking forward to it. That picture is a keeper...the rain boots make the whole shot...after the bare bum that is!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hurray for Tiny! Great photo! The colors are fantastic! And with a cell phone too!
    (Hey! I thougth you didn't like nudity in your pics!)

  7. It sounds like he's already ahead of where little Kent was at that age. Remember how old he was before he'd go poo in the potty? 4! Having an older bro should help.

  8. This may sound terrible but I love hearing about other people's potty training mishaps. Makes me feel better about mine :) Oh and I think Megan might even be proud of your cameraphone pic! I love it.

  9. Hope your good luck continues....

    I love the picture :)

  10. I can't believe that picture was taken with a cell phone- it's great!

    I noticed you've got These is My Words on your shelfari. I LOVED that book. Seriously one of my favs. Let me know what you think.

    And about Hope's Boy- it's a good read. It's heartbreaking. I really don't know if you'll be able to relate at all, but you still may enjoy the book.
