Monday, May 18, 2009

Firefly Lane!

I haven't done much reading since I started up grad school a year ago, but I had a week off two weeks ago, so I started this book I bought months ago called Firefly Lane. Both Chalyce and Patty recommended it. I enjoyed the book, and I'm glad I read it, but I won't be putting it on my top ten list of favorites. First off, it's almost 500 pages. That's quite a commitment for me at this time, so it had better be good. Second, I found it extremely predictable, but what I will say is that the end was priceless. I can't say too much, but the author does an amazing job at sharing with the reader what exactly the main characters are going through at the end. Let's just say I cried like a little baby at gymnastics today when I finished the book. It wasn't a book I had to devour in one day. I was able to put it down and come back to it several times, but it was worth finishing.


  1. I know you've got the Shelfari widget, but I'm wondering if you actually use Shelfari. I signed up for it but I've never used it. I think I might start, though, because I am always looking for book recommendations. So, if you use Shelfari, do you like it?

    Thanks for the info on Firefly Lane. I think I'll put it on my list, although I don't get excited about long books. Like you said, it's a big commitment.

  2. I'm reading Hope's Boy right now. It's really good. It's about a boy who ends up in the foster care system. You may be able to relate to it. I reccommend it.

  3. Ya know, I don't think I cried! Renae was hysterical, of course she was in the midst of a dying friend, but maybe I am too hard hearted
