Friday, October 21, 2011


Bobby keeps threatening to tear the playhouse down. I assure him it's being used during the day. He says it's worthless and just takes up space. I say it's a part of our familiy's history. He says it's hideous. I say we have so many memories that include the bright blue, imagination station.

The proof is in the picture, right?


megan said...

let me know when you'd like for me to take it off your hands....

Megan said...

Proof that you are super great! That's what that is.

Granni P said...

Don't you dare take that down Bobby Lemmon. Not only is it your famly history, it's a work of art in progress!

Jason said...

90% of the kids in that picture are now in Washington! lol.

Unknown said...

I think it is awesome!!! My kids would LOVE to play in something like that!!!!