First grade at Mesquite always has a robot family project. We use the word "family" loosely for these types of projects. We all get to put our input in, and we get asked what we think about this or that, but for the most part Bobby runs with the assignment. The best part is how he dreads it all week long and drags his feet, and then the night before he becomes this creative machine. I guess I'm not the only one who works best under pressure. I was going to take pictures of the actual creating of the robot, but Strider was more into it than Maverick.
When I was in sixth grade, we had to write a poem about space flight. I went to my dad for help. He is quite a poet. He told me to write anything down I knew about space flight, and he would then help me. I came in with a few little sixth grade ideas written down, and that was the last we spoke of it. The next morning, I woke up to a beautiful poem called "The Last Frontier Known As Space" by Sabra. Typical sixth grade title, right?
Ahhhh, yes...Family Projects...
Watch out second grade pirate ship project!!!