Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trust 30 Day 2

I wrote this last night at 11:54pm from my iPad when I realized I had not done my writing assignment for Day 2. As luck would have it, I lost my wireless signal and could get zero 3G as my Day 2 was posting.

Here is yesterday's:

Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tracks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence? Tell today’s sentence to one other person. Repeat each day.

Today was rewarding while exhausting, and this pretty much sums up my entire school year...or life.